Here’s a little bit about me…

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I am Manpreet Lehal, a life coach and consultant who works with individuals seeking professional services to plan for their separation or divorce, parenting coordination after separation or divorce, and family mediation for a wide variety of issues. I find my work very impactful as I work with my clients as a team to help them plan, navigate, and overcome the most difficult moments in their lives. I believe in maintaining a strong and healthy family unit even in challenging times that creates uncertainty and chaos in one’s life.

I am a certified life coach, Family and Divorce Mediator, Family Financial Mediator, Parenting Coordinator and have a professional background as a licensed mental health clinical counselor over two decades. I have seen first-hand what a separation and divorce can do to an individual and a family. I have witnessed the emotional toll such life-threatening and changing events can bring for any adult and a child. Professionally, I feel fortunate to have emotionally supported people through such difficult times, but counseling or therapy could not provide what some of my clients needed - more guidance than therapy can allow. It led me to a journey to create a coaching and consulting program that offer support through the separation and divorce process.

With my clinical background, education and certifications related to divorce and coparenting, I am able to coach, consult, and support people through a difficult phase of their life. Being a life-coach for adults when they find separation or divorce is the best outcome for their family. Better serve parents who want to shield and protect their children from wrath of their divorce. Coach and consult families who are going through emotional pain due to ongoing conflict to help them regain control over their future.

As a coach and consultant, I am a neutral party who will be assisting you step-by-step through decision making and problem solving during different phases of separation, and post-divorce so you are able to make decisions that will benefit you and your children in the future. I am here to help you take the stigma out of having open discussion about separation, divorce, coparenting post-divorce, and resolve messy family disputes without destroying relationships. I am here to show you there is a better way to resolve family matters than ending up in the court- that will drain you emotionally, physically and financially!

You can schedule a coaching call or consultation for an evaluation of your unique situation so I can assess immediate needs, provide quick de-escalation strategies, and appropriate referrals before determining which coaching program will be beneficial in your situation.

Manpreet Lehal is not an attorney or a lawyer, for legal advice please consult with an attorney.